
Trump ready to give up: Trump said - If Electoral College declines Biden as winner, he will leave in White House

People said in the survey: the most visible content on Facebook is the worst for the world; Mark Zuckerberg brought the poll open

Good news from Russia on corona virus vaccine: Sputnik-V is also 95% effective, free to Russian people and 10 dollar to other countries. This vaccine will be available in less than

Good news on the Corona vaccine: Vaccination will begin in the US from December 11,

Today the world's ten greatest news

Corona virus in the world: 598 infected deaths a day in Britain, 32 thousand new corona cases in 24 hours in Italy

Corona in the world: 10 million cases in just 6 days in America, it took 10 days for the first 10 million cases to come

The impact of Lockdown-2 in Britain: Britain's second recession threat in this cold: PMI

Corona in the world: 100 thousand Corona cases in America for the seventh consecutive day, 300 thousands of people have died due to infection so far in Europe

Gold Market: Gold and Price Fall Just Minutes After Declaring 90% Success in Corona Vaccine Trial

World in Corona: US becomes first country to cross 10 million corona infected figures, vulnerable to third wave of epidemic

Coronavirus-2: Bank of England gave new relief of $ 195 billion, Central Bank of London will buy more bonds from this amount

US Election LIVE: Biden has more than 70 million votes, highest in history; Broke Obama's record