Meet top ten expensive stock in the world

Meet top ten expensive stock in the world
1.Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
$296,900 per share.
Market value: $500,18 bln.
Industry: insurance, finance, utilities, railway transport.
Food and non-food product.

2.Seaboard Corporation. $3,683.15 per share.
Market value: $4.10 bln .
Industry: transportation and agriculture.
1.Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
$296,900 per share.
Market value: $500,18 bln.
Industry: insurance, finance, utilities, railway transport.
Food and non-food product.

2.Seaboard Corporation. $3,683.15 per share.
Market value: $4.10 bln .
Industry: transportation and agriculture.

3.N.V.R Incorporated.
$2,468.63 per share.
Market value: $ 8.76 bln.

4.The Priceline Group Inc.
$ 1,723.90 per share.
Market value: $ 79.87 bln.
Industry: tourism and services.

5. Amazon Inc.
$1,622.26 per share.
Market value: $802.47.
Industry: retail business.
6. Alphabet Inc.
$ 1,075 per share.
Market value: $ 730. 45 bln.
Industry: internet.
7. Market Corporation.
$ 1,050 per share.
Market value: $ 149.90 bln.
$ 854 per share .
Market value: $ 2. 72 bln.
Industry: property, insurance and reinsurance.

$ 842.76 per share.
Market value: $ 4.60 bln.
$ 828.46 per share.
Market value: $ 21.13 bln.
Industry: Retailer of automotive product.
$2,468.63 per share.
Market value: $ 8.76 bln.
Building and mortgage loans.

4.The Priceline Group Inc.
$ 1,723.90 per share.
Market value: $ 79.87 bln.
Industry: tourism and services.

$1,622.26 per share.
Market value: $802.47.
Industry: retail business.
6. Alphabet Inc.
$ 1,075 per share.
Market value: $ 730. 45 bln.
Industry: internet.
$ 1,050 per share.
Market value: $ 149.90 bln.

8. White mountains.
$ 854 per share .
Market value: $ 2. 72 bln.
Industry: property, insurance and reinsurance.

9 Cable one .
$ 842.76 per share.
Market value: $ 4.60 bln.
Communication services.
10 AutoZone incorporated.
$ 828.46 per share.
Market value: $ 21.13 bln.
Industry: Retailer of automotive product.
This is the most expensive stock in the world.
this is most expensive stock in the world share market